Autumn fayre helps armed forces charities

Royal British Legion Scotland Easdale Branch raised £1558.42 for armed forces charities at it autumn fair.

Saturday’s event attracted a steady stream of people throughout the day, browsing lots of stalls from books to bric-a-brac and toys to tombola.

As well as a cafe, the addition of craft stalls and stalls raising money for Seil Costal Rowing and Argyll and Bute Women’s Aid added to the event and the Legion Branch is extremely grateful for their support which helped attract more visitors.

Branch members also wanted to thank Royal Naval Commander Mike Hawke and his wife Juliet who drew the raffle and presented  prizes kindly donated by Alba Larder and Gifts,The Oyster Bar and Restaurant, Puffer Bar and Restaurant on Easdale Island and everyone else who made it such a success.

Easdale Branch’s next event will be a christmas coffee morning and festive fayre at Seil Island Community Hall on Saturday December 2.

Money  raised each year by Branch events is distributed equally between the Royal British Legion Scotland and three  armed forces charities chosen by the membership at the AGM in January.


Caption: Easdale Branch of Royal British Legion Scotland members at the autumn fair, from theleft Lorraine Reynolds, Ron Hetherington, Willie Munro, Donny Reynolds, Stuart Reid and Annie Sinclair