Man given bail after drunken tirade

A man who stabbed the arm of a settee at his home in a drunken tirade appeared from custody at Oban Sheriff Court on Monday.

George Dow, 52, previously pleaded guilty to behaving in an aggressive manner at 27 Glenview, Dalmally, by shouting and swearing, taking possession of a knife, striking a sofa and uttering threats of violence towards his partner.

The incident took place on September 24 but Dow was remanded in custody as he did not have an alternative bail address, the court heard.

Procurator Fiscal Rebecca Reid said: “It was 4.30pm when the witness and the now accused were sitting in the living room of their home address.

“The accused was under the influence of alcohol at this time and began talking about the will of his mother’s late husband. This appeared to anger him. He stood up, began to shout and swear at the witness.

“At the same time, she noted he was holding a kitchen knife in his right hand, which he then stabbed into the arm of the settee. The witness told him to sit down, to which he stated, ‘What do you think I’m not going to do it’.”

Police attended a short time later after the woman called 999.

Dow was cautioned, hand-cuffed and placed in a police vehicle. Ms Reid said Dow admitted to threatening the woman and that he told police, “It wasn’t a big knife. I’m going to do the right thing. I was a fireman for over 29 years before I had to retire.”

Defence solicitor Kevin McGuinnes, said Dow had not previously been in a position to ask for bail. It was agreed he could use Edward Thornton solicitors as a bail address while seeking accommodation.

Sentence was deferred until November 1 for a restriction of liberty assessment and background reports to be carried out.

He was released on bail on conditions including that he must not enter Glenview, Dalmally.