SAMS ecologist nominated for innovation award

An ecologist at the Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS) in Dunbeg has been nominated for an award at this year’s Congerge Awards.

Dr Georgina Robinson started a post-doctoral assistant in Tropical Ecology at the University of Highlands and Islands partner in 2017.

The winners and runners-up from four categories of the awards that celebrate innovation will be announced at an awards ceremony in Glasgow on Wednesday evening.

Dr Robinson has made it to the final of the Converge Challenge, with her NovatioN project and has travelled extensively to carry out work in tropical sea cucumber aquaculture.

She has travelled to New Caledonia, Madagascar, Tanzania, South Africa, Seychelles, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Mozambique, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Namibia and Thailand.

Converge’s executive director, Dr Claudia Cavalluzzo, said: “Our finalists demonstrate that Scotland’s universities are at the forefront of developing innovations that will help people and the planet, while growing our economy.

“We selected our cohort of 100 start-ups and spinouts from a record 247 applicants back in May, just as the national innovation strategy was being unveiled.”