Winter woods needs you

Oban’s winter woods return this year as part of the town’s festivities but organisers need you to get hands-on to help make it glow.

Businesses, schools, charities, clubs and groups are all invited to have a go at making their own installation as part of what must be one of the Winter Festival’s most popular events.

Instead of a storyline for this year’s visitors to follow in Glencruitten woods, organisers are calling on the community to design and make their own installation to form the trail.

The festival will light them  up but organisers need you to do the handiwork – installations can be anything you like as long as they are made out of reused materials – plastic, glass – use your imagination.

The only ask is that the installations are 2ms high or wide so they are highly visible and help fill the large area that needs covering.

The idea has attracted lots of interest, with 18 installations lined up so far.

“We want to have as many as possible, we’ve got a big area to cover so are hoping the community will get involved and come up with some exciting ideas. The installations need to be seen, so need to be about 2ms high or wide. We’ll do all the lighting,” said a festival committee spokesperson.

Tickets for the Winter Woods will go on sale soon and once gain minibuses will be running from Station Square to Glencruitten.

Anyone interested in signing up to take part and contribute an installation should get in touch via the festival’s website here

This is the Winter Festival’s fourth year, the dates are November 17-26.