Having a say on Luing’s housing needs

Luing is appealing to people off-island to fill in an online housing survey, if they would like to live there.

Last week, 63 responses had been sent in but more are still needed to build up a picture of what the island’s housing needs are now and for in the future.

The online survey closes on October 15 and those behind the survey are hoping word will spread.

“We have made some good progress and last week had 63 surveys completed but we need as many responses as possible to get the most complete picture and build a strong case,” said Colin Buchanan, who is a director of Luing Community Trust.

Mr Buchanan said the island had already identified that affordable modern housing is needed to keep and increase the number of working age people on Luing, and to attract more young families.

“A housing and business needs survey will provide the right information to make sure the best possible case is presented, as the community start the journey to increase the supply of affordable housing, sustain the population and grow economic activity,” he added.

The trust is working together with the community council to deliver a Housing and Business needs survey.

“This survey is one of the most important tools in gathering the essential supporting data needed before the trust can apply for Scottish Government funding support to acquire land and build affordable housing. We want to hear from residents,  non-residents and businesses about their household needs and future,” said Mr Buchanan.

Funding for the confidential survey was secured from Argyll and Bute Council and it is being carried out by the Communities Housing Trust who carried out a similar poll on Tiree earlier this year.

The Luing survey opened on August 19 and there have been three drop-in sessions at the Atlantic Islands Centre in Cullipool to help anyone without internet access or to answer any questions.

Luing community council convenor Innes MacQueen said: “The community council are pleased to collaborate with the community trust on this important piece of work to establish housing demand on the island.

“For the island to be sustainable, it is essential we attract a younger working age population to live here and for that we need to have appropriate housing.

“We encourage all residents and people who would consider moving to the island in the future to complete the survey to ensure we can an accurate view of the housing needs.”

Findings from Communities Housing Trust’s Tiree survey included 43 people were searching for full-time homes on the island. The research also identified that people already living in Tiree who were looking for their own housing could make up 21 new households but that housing was simply not available for them.