Arran u3a meetings resume with entertaining double bill

The Isle of Arran u3a monthly meetings resumed last Thursday with a double bill of enjoyable talks.

The afternoon began with a very informative presentation of the Do and Don’ts of foraging by Zoë Hughes.

Members were asked to consider the key foraging etiquette when they are out and about gathering seaweed, wild garlic and chanterelles, picking brambles and hawthorn berries: always use scissors to snip; vary foraging locations; only gather from abundant sources; give back to the environment by picking up litter.

Zoë urged everyone to err on the side of caution when gathering wild mushrooms and to cook them very thoroughly. She revealed her favourite foraged foods were chanterelles and, surprisingly, Japanese knotweed which she claims to be delicious!

Zoë’s fascinating talk triggered many questions from u3a members about the gathering and consumption of wild food sources and how they could learn more about using the wild larder on offer on Arran.

The u3a’s creative writing group followed Zoë’s talk with a presentation of their 2023 anthology, The Wife, the Mistress and the Guinea Pig and Other Stories, as reported in last week’s Banner.

The group’s leader Barb Taub recounted how they came to produce their first anthology after a couple of years experimenting, imagining, sharing and “bursting with stories”.

Valery Occardi, Helen McKintosh, Ann Hume and Elizabeth Ross read a selection from the anthology, delighting members with short stories and poetry.

There is a wealth of talent in the Isle of Arran u3a and much of it was on show last Thursday. Congratulations to the writers!

The next monthly meeting will take place in Brodick Hall at 2pm on Thursday October 26 when members of the team at COAST will talk about their new boat.

Karyn Wilson Hill


Barb Taub holds a copy of the new anthology with members of the creative writing group. NO_B40u3a01_23_book_writers

Zoë Hughes delivers her talk on foraging. NO_B40u3a02_23_zoe_hughes

Zoë holds her gift for giving the talk. NO_B40u3a03_23_bottle_wine