How to save energy and keep warm

Anyone struggling to make ends meet could be eligible for help paying household energy bills.

Since last winter, North Ayrshire Council has supported thousands of residents by offering financial and practical support through its Energy Smart programme.

This winter, further help is available through North Ayrshire’s replenished Energy Smart Emergency Support fund.

Councillor Tony Gurney, cabinet member for green environment and economy, said: “It is vital, more than ever as we approach winter, that residents access all the available support and funding.

“I would encourage people to call up and find out what help they are eligible for. The council and our partners are determined to do what we can to help ease the burden of the cost-of-living crisis on people in our communities.

“Last winter, we supported more than 1,500 eligible households through our £450,000 Emergency Support payment.

“Due to the success of the scheme and the positive feedback we’ve received, we will once again be inviting applications from the people of North Ayrshire to help them keep their homes warm this winter.”

For further details on the Emergency Support Payment, phone 01294 310000 or apply online at

As part of its Energy Smart campaign, North Ayrshire Council is also working closely with charity the Energy Agency, which works to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability, and Home Energy Scotland to support householders.

For information on support available through Home Energy Scotland, call 0808 808 2282. Additionally, proposals are being finalised for a range of physical energy
efficiency measures to be offered to eligible households through the Energy
Smart programme. More details on this will be published in the coming weeks.
Additional help and information is available on the council’s website at


Councillor Tony Gurney. No_B04NAC02