Letters, October 6 2023

Seeking information on Kintyre ancestors

My name is Jeanie Woltz, née Morrison. I am currently visiting Campbeltown and I am wondering if anyone may know anything of my family who originated from Campbeltown and the Kintyre peninsula.

Here are a few of the names I have:

  • Daniel Duncan Morrison (grandfather), born in 1874, Campbeltown
  • Duncan Morrison (great grandfather), born in 1826, Killean
  • Mary McMillan (great grandmother), born November 3, 1844, Killean
  • Mary McMurchy, born June 4, 1785
  • Duncan McMurchy, born between 1761-1841, Campbeltown
  • Robert McMillan, born Campbeltown, married Katherin McHoskery, born 1755, married December 17 1776 in Campbeltown
  • James McMillan, born 1742, Campbeltown, married Margaret Giffin on March 17 1769 in Southend
  • Duncan McMillan born May 7 1704, married Agnes Hendry on August 30 1729 in Campbeltown; Agnes Hendry died July 18 1770 in Drumore, Campbeltown

If anyone has any information, they can contact me by emailing maillecan@netscape.net

Thank you.

Jeanie Woltz, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada.

Take time to talk about mental health

This Tuesday October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and the Mental Health Foundation is encouraging everyone to get involved by taking the time to have a meaningful conversation about mental health.

Talking about how you feel is important to help protect your mental health. If you are struggling, it helps to talk to someone you trust.

If you want to start a conversation with someone about their mental health, find a quiet space with no distractions. Listen and allow the person to speak. Ask questions but don’t interrupt. Ask how you can help and listen to what they need.

World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health. So, you might like to host a ‘tea and talk’ event at your work or community group to get everyone involved.

Our website has lots of information and materials for running an event including tips for starting conversations.

You can also show your support by wearing a green ribbon or sharing information on social media.

Find out more along with posters, social media images, and advice on how to protect your mental health at www.mentalhealth.org.uk/wmhd

Julie Cameron, associate director for Scotland at Mental Health Foundation.

‘Doubling the love’ for Mary’s Meals

Today, more than 46,000 children are sitting in classrooms across Liberia with full stomachs, eager to learn how to read and write, thanks to your readers’ heartwarming response to our previous match funding campaign supported by the UK Government.

Mary’s Meals serves nutritious food in school to some of the world’s hungriest children, attracting them to the classroom, where they can gain an education and be given the chance to dream of a brighter future.

Mary’s Meals has been able to make a life-changing difference to little ones across Liberia thanks to donations to our 2020/2021 Double The Love campaign – which were matched by the UK government, up to £2 million.

We wish to say how grateful we are to everyone who donated to the Double The Love campaign. Your kindness is helping us to provide lasting change for those who need it most.

You can find out more about our work by visiting marysmeals.org.uk

Thomas Black, Head of Major Giving and Partnerships at Mary’s Meals.