Marine conservation charity shortlisted for RSPB award

The Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST) has been shortlisted in the coasts and waters category at RSPB Scotland’s prestigious Nature of Scotland Awards, in recognition of its community-led marine conservation and restoration work.

Established by the community, COAST works closely with researchers, fishermen and businesses to protect and restore the marine environment on Arran and the wider Clyde, advocating for effective evidence-based decision-making, while supporting the local fishing industry and ensuring community voices are heard.

To date, COAST has established two substantial zones of marine protection on Arran, which are showing unprecedented signs of marine restoration – including a 50 per cent increase in biodiversity and tripling of commercially important species such as scallops and lobsters.

Additionally, COAST has pioneered marine education with the opening of the Discovery Centre, and launched the new research vessel RV COAST Explorer which provides invaluable opportunities to engage young people and the public in practical marine conservation and expand COAST’s research and monitoring efforts in these protected areas.

Áine Purcell-Milton, COAST’s executive director, said: “We are honoured to be considered for this award, and are proud to be one of many groups of people working to ensure a sustainable future for our environment. The great strides COAST has made to date would not have been possible without the support and resilience of the community of Arran. We are grateful to be recognised for our work by RSPB Scotland and NatureScot and look forward to continuing to protect ‘Scotland’s seas in miniature’.”

COAST was announced as a finalist at the awards shortlist reception at the Scottish Parliament, hosted by Colin Smyth MSP and sponsored by Beam Suntory.

The 54 finalists will gather at the EICC on November 22 when the winners of all 10 categories will be announced.

The awards ceremony, now in its 12th year and co-sponsored by NatureScot, will be hosted by zoologist, TV presenter and RSPB Ambassador Megan McCubbin and TV presenter and nature enthusiast JJ Chalmers.

They will recognise the individuals and organisations making a difference in their communities, businesses and schools to support Scotland’s wildlife and special places.

Anne McCall, Director of RSPB Scotland, said: “The Nature of Scotland Awards celebrates people and projects who make a difference for nature in their communities and across the country.

“Being at the head of the judging panel is a wonderful part of my job as I get an unrivalled opportunity to hear about inspiring actions and the incredible things that can happen when people work together. We can’t tackle the nature and climate crisis alone.

“I am so looking forward to seeing everyone at the awards in November and thank all of our applicants for sharing their tremendous work with us.”

Anyone with an interest in nature is welcome to attend the awards. Tickets are available at


A diver with a lobster in Arran’s protected waters. Copyright: Howard Wood. NO_B40coast01_23_lobster_diver

Maerl beds are thriving in Arran’s coastal waters. Copyright: Howard Wood NO_B490coast02_23_maerl_beds