Service unites Arran churches as one

By Hugh Boag

All of Arran’s Church of Scotland congregations became one last Sunday at an historic Service of Union in Brodick Church.

The churches formed the Isle of Arran Church of Scotland Parish on September 1 and the merger was formally marked by the service on Sunday attended by representatives from the South West Presbytery and Interim Moderator the Reverend Tom Macintyre. The service was conducted by presbytery clerk Christine Murray.

There was a healthy turnout of members from congregations across the island. The service began, after a welcome by the Rev Macintyre, with a procession of elders from the various churches to the altar with silver to celebrate communion. During the service, the congregation vowed to uphold the union.

The new parish consists of four church centres which are to remain open for worship
on all points of the compass: Lochranza, North; Whiting Bay and Kildonan, South;
Brodick, East, and Shiskine, West).

Corrie church will close later this month, followed by Lamlash and Kilmory by the end of the year.

In shaping the future, one kirk session – the body guiding and resourcing the
parish – will work in teams to ensure all aspects of the life and work of the church
will be met.

The new parish can now call a minister. A second person has been allocated to the island who may be a ministry development staff worker, a deacon or another minster. This post could be divided between two part-time workers.


South West Presbytery clerk Christine Murray who conducted the service. 1_B40church01_presbytery_clerk

Elders and the Reverend Tom Macintyre lead the hymn singing. 01_B40church02_23_elders_alter

The busy congregation at the Service of Union. 01_B40church03_23_unity_service

A view from the balcony of the historic service. 01_B40church04_23_balcony_view