The Community Shop in Lochgilphead opens its doors

The Community Shop in Lochgilphead has opened its doors to the public following a strong response from locals in donating all sorts of goods to sell for the cause.

The shop is not for profit, and any proceeds will go to benefit the community.

The new venture was conceived when the Dalmally-based charity Mary’s Meals announced it would close its popular charity shop in Lochgilphead.


Young shopper Elsie Penman presented a bouquet of flowers to Lord-Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute Mrs Jane MacLeod.

People in the town were upset at this news; so much so that manager Marina Campbell and a group of volunteers banded together to reopen it – in the shape of the new Community Shop at 51-53 Argyll Street.

The new store is not associated with Mary’s Meals but is there for the Mid Argyll community.

Following the closure of the Mary’s Meals shop in August, Marina Campbell and the hard-working volunteers got to work.

Help came from a grant via Argyll and Bute Council and donations of £1,600 from customers and neighbouring businesses.

The Lochgilphead community rallied round to support the opening of the Community Shop.


Marina said: “We have been very well supported and everyone has been so kind.

“Everything in here is donated; we are so grateful.

“We are now taking furniture, which we now have room for.”

The shop has been extended into the premises next door and donated items are piling up, awaiting sorting and sale.