Aye Fyne wellbeing economy discussed

Quality of life, equality, fairness, health and happiness should be given equal weight to economic growth.

That is what living in a wellbeing economy is all about.

And it is the message from Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, founder of the Believe in Scotland Campaign.

He delivered a presentation on the subject to the Aye Fyne and Yes Kintyre groups at Cairnbaan Hotel on Sunday October 1.

Described as one of Scotland’s most well-networked business people, he was a pioneer of social media marketing and networking for business in the ’90s.

The Aye Fyne and Yes Kintyre groups met to hear Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp, founder of the Believe in Scotland Campaign, speak about the wellbeing economy.

Tricia Grey of Aye Fyne said: “Gordon gave a detailed presentation to a large crowd. It was followed by many questions, and the answers prompted lots of nods.

“One person, who summed it up best, said ‘common sense really, it’s what Scotland wants’.”

She explained the main issues covered. The focus of the economy should be to serve the needs of people and society more than the needs of big business and finance.

Tricia added: “To be able to live with dignity while experiencing wellbeing and security should be a basic human right, not something that comes only with wealth.

“Austerity has failed. It is slowing economic growth, harming people and society and making the country more susceptible to economic and health crises.”

Believe in Scotland says that independence will create a better, fairer, greener, wealthier, healthier, happier and more successful Scotland.

Tricia said: “We’re looking for another pertinent and successful speaker to encourage us and help us understand the full implications of indy, not the neighbour’s version.”