Campbeltown girls continue evolution on Mull

The newly formed Campbeltown girls’ under-14 rugby team built upon their debut with an impressive showing in the second weekend of the Evolution Series which took place on the Isle of Mull the weekend before last.

Despite being a young team, predominantly made up of S1s, who have only been
playing together for a few weeks, the girls showcased determination, skill, and the promise of great potential.

The team embarked on their journey at 7am by minibus, driving to Oban before catching a ferry to the Isle of Mull.

While the morning’s weather threatened a rain-soaked day, by the time the girls crossed, they were blessed with beautiful sunny weather, setting the tone for an enthusiastic day of rugby.

In their first game, the Campbeltown girls displayed formidable talent and teamwork against the host team.

Leading in the first half, the game ended in a narrow 10-9 defeat for the Campbeltown girls – a remarkable accomplishment considering the limited time they have had to gel as a unit.

Their second game was no less thrilling.

It was a close, competitive, and tense game that ended in a 13-10 loss, but the score line barely tells the story.

Against a strong Oban side, the girls showed great resilience and determination. Each time Oban scored, the Campbeltown girls responded with a score of their own.

While there were plenty of tired legs at the end, the girls can be proud of their spirited
display which showed more than a glimpse of the potential this team has.

The day concluded with a large game featuring mixed teams on a full-sized pitch – allowing players to learn from each other and further develop their skills.

Following the games, Mull Rugby Club graciously provided food and drinks to underscore the sense of community and sportsmanship that rugby brings to young athletes.

“These young girls have made significant progress in just a matter of weeks,” said coach Chris Doxsey.

“What they’ve demonstrated on the field shows a bright future for girls’ rugby in Campbeltown.

“We are incredibly proud of their performance and look forward to seeing them develop as athletes and team players.

“While it is still early days for girls’ rugby in the town, these are exciting times.

“We are keen for many more girls to get involved and for girls’ rugby to continue to go from strength to strength.”

If you would like to give rugby a try, training is at 6.30pm every Wednesday evening at the Meadows Playing Fields.