Pickled Republic enchants Carradale crowd

Ruxy Cantir’s tragicomic solo show Pickled Republic went down a treat at Carradale Village Hall on Saturday September 30.

Moldova-born, US-trained and Glasgow-based visual theatre maker Ruxy was delighted with the reception given to the show.

“It has been an absolute treat sharing ‘Pickled Republic’ with Carradale audiences,” she said.

“What an amazing community! Welcoming and up for good craic, the audience totally embraced our absurd show and came along for an existential and mad ride with us.

“As an artist who makes, performs, and tours new original work, I never know how audiences will receive some of the more mad, off-the-beaten-tracks type of work, but I’m delighted by the response. We can’t wait to come back!”

Puppets, produce and phantasmagoria combines in this confidently absurd production that is part of a Scottish tour this autumn. Photograph: Andy Catlin.

Phil Royal of Kilbrannan Sound CIC said: “What a remarkable night. Weird and wonderful, perhaps the strangest thing ever seen in the Carradale Village Hall.

“Jane Dunbar’s scintillating opening performance of Axis Sally brilliantly opened the door for Ruxy Cantir’s surreal take on the human condition.

“The audience entered into the spirit of the occasion and nobody will easily forget this very special show.”

Kilbrannan Sound CIC is not-for-profit organisation dedicated to bringing superb performers to Carradale and Kintyre.

“Look out for our shows and support us if you can, you won’t be disappointed,” added Phil.