Craignish copes as road closure hits supplies and services

Residents of Craignish are still working out all the implications of the landslides on the A816 just south of the peninsula that have cut them off from Lochgilphead and the vital services and supplies it provides to the community.

Craignish Community Council secretary Rob Fitzpatrick said the most immediate concern is for residents who rely on care packages or prescriptions – as these are often often provided from the Lochgilphead area.

With the A816 closed just south of Ardfern at the Bealach – possibly for up to four weeks – motorists from south of the landslide are facing a detour of up to three hours via the A83 and A85 to get to Ardfern and the rest of the peninsula.

The B840 along the side of Loch Awe has also been closed due to landslides.

“For people on care packages it is proving difficult,” said Rob.

“We are still working out what the implications are.

“Pharmacies are looking at different options for deliveries and may switch prescriptions to Oban.”

Rob said people who took up roles in Craignish during the pandemic are being asked to take up similar roles while the A816 is closed.

“The implications are supplies and deliveries,” said Rob.

“We are very connected to Lochgilphead. All the implications are on the restrictions of movement – residents getting to work and care getting to us.

“In emergency situations, we have to realise that will now come from Oban.”

The community council has set up an arrangement with a local courier service to receive all Ardfern parcels at a central hub in the village.

Rob said the community council will feel more confident about its plans once it gets confirmation of when the A816 will reopen.

“The community is working well to help each other,” said Rob.

“There is a good communication network within the community.

“We can do all we can for ourselves; things will continue.”

Rob gave a big shout out the posties serving Craignish.

“The posties have worked incredibly hard since this happened to get stuff delivered, sometimes late in the evening.”