Tables turned on Nevis Radio’s Isabel for her 80th birthday

One of Nevis Radio’s longest serving presenters, who has broadcast greetings and requests for special occasions to thousands of people for more than 30 years, had the tables turned on her with her own birthday surprise, writes Iain Ferguson.

On Isabel Campbell’s 80th birthday on October 12 she was, as usual, in the Nevis Radio studio ready to provide her very special mix of Scottish and country music to her listeners. She was then called away to pick up some additional content in another part of the building.

What she didn’t expect was to find a room filled with many of the radio station’s past and present members who had all gathered secretly to surprise her with her own special greetings, cheers, and a rendering of Happy Birthday, all of which was broadcast live on air.

Celebrations at Nevis Radio with a surprise birthday gathering for Isabel Campbell’s 80th birthday. Iain Ferguson,

After recovering from the shock, Isabel thanked everyone for coming along and cut her specially prepared and decorated cake which she was amazed to discover had actually been baked right under her nose in the kitchen of An Clachan at the Lochaber Rural Education Trust, of which she is a founder member.

Additional surprises were to come as video messages were played from world-renowned singer Daniel O’Donnell and well-known Scottish musicians, all shared with a live audience across Lochaber and to a worldwide audience over the internet.

Isabel said: “I didn’t know anything about this and what a lovely surprise. I can’t believe all this was organised without me finding out.

“It was so good of everyone to come in and thanks to them all for taking the time.

“A very special thanks to my daughter Linda, whom I’m sure played a big hand in this. I was wondering why she was smiling away so much when we were in the studio preparing for the show.

“I have had a great day and this was such a wonderful surprise”.