Walking group nominated in volunteer awards

An Arran walking group was recently nominated in the Paths for All National Volunteer Awards 2023.

The Stroll With It Arran walking group was delighted to be named in the Health Walk Group of the Year category which was won by Walk in the Park, Killin Group, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Countryside Trust.

The event was held at the Scottish Parliament September 27 and was the first sponsorship by Nicola Sturgeon MSP as a backbencher, who presented the awards.

The Arran group is part of North Ayrshire Council’s Trinity Active Travel Hub’s Stroll With It programme and is run entirely by volunteers, led by Diana Turbett.

The volunteers lead short, easy level walks once a fortnight in villages around the island to encourage people to be more active. The group is always delighted to hear from new walkers or volunteers.

The group is supported from the mainland by the Trinity Active Travel Hub and KA Leisure.

Kate Cuthbert of Trinity Active Travel Hub said: “Congratulations to Stroll With It Arran making it into the list of nominees as Paths for All Health Walk Group of the Year. All your hard work is being recognised.”

Maggie and Tim Howarth, walk leader, and Kate Cuthbert at the ceremony.


Maggie and Tim Howarth, walk leader, and Kate Cuthbert at the ceremony. NO_B41stroll_walking_group

Arran participants taking part in the Ayrshire Walking Festival. NO_B41stroll01_23_arran_nomination