TSI funding: empowering communities to thrive

Argyll and Bute Third Sector Interface (TSI) has announced the launch of its Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for a third year.

With a substantial allocation of £281,900.15, the third year of funding is aimed at supporting mental health and wellbeing initiatives within communities.

The primary objective of the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund is to drive community-based initiatives that enhance mental health and wellbeing, while effectively addressing and mitigating the impact of distress and mental health challenges among the adult population.

The focus for 2023/24 is on targeting mental health inequalities, social isolation, loneliness, suicide prevention, poverty and inequality, especially in light of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and its socio-economic ramifications.

Key objectives for 2023/24 include:

  • Tackling mental health inequalities and supporting ‘at risk’ groups
  • Addressing priority issues of social isolation, loneliness, suicide prevention, poverty and inequality, with emphasis on the cost-of-living crisis and socio-economic disadvantage
  • Supporting grassroots community groups and organisations to drive impactful activities
  • Facilitating connections among individuals, nurturing trusted relationships and revitalising communities
  • Supporting the three pillars of the national strategy: promoting positive mental health; preventing mental health issues from occurring or escalating and providing mental health and wellbeing support and care.

Interested organisations and community groups are invited to submit their expression of interest forms by 10am on October 27 and full applications by 10am on November 24.

The fund offers opportunities for small grants ranging from £500 to £5,000 and larger grants ranging from £5,001 to £10,000. Partnerships have the potential to bid for up to £20,000 with a minimum of two partners.

For comprehensive guidance on the application process and fund specifications, interested parties are encouraged to review the guidance notes. These and further information, including instructions on how to complete the application process, can be found at https://www.argylltsi.org/cmhwbfund.html

The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for adults was established in October 2021 and, to date, has distributed around £1 million to community initiatives supporting mental health and wellbeing across Argyll and Bute, with around £132,000 given to community organisations in Kintyre in the first two years.

“For inquiries or assistance with your application, please contact TSI staff at support@argylltsi.org.uk,” said a spokesperson.

“Early contact and collaboration with TSI staff are crucial to ensuring your application aligns effectively with the fund’s criteria.”