Celebrating a special year in community ownership

Friends of Glenan Wood are preparing to hold a barbecue to celebrate a special year for community ownership, with people coming together for food, fire and kinship; to mark the successes at Glenan Wood, near Tighnabruaich. The event takes place on Sunday, October 22 at 1pm.

A spokesperson for the woods said: “We will be serving venison sourced from the wood, using charcoal made from rhododendron; and burn some of the underplanted Sitka on a community fire; transforming three threats to the temperate rainforest into a resource the community can use.”

This is a special year for Scotland’s community-controlled properties, marking 100 years since the first significant urban buyout, when the then Lord Leverhulme gifted the town of Stornoway to the townspeople. Glenan Wood is among more than 40 communities taking part in anniversary events.

Friends of Glenan Wood chairperson, Katherine Lowrie said: “Glenan Wood is a precious local habitat – a fragment of remaining ancient temperate rainforest. Thanks to the hard work of local people, Glenan Woods is owned and managed by the community.

“So many positive initiatives are happening, including the employment of our local ranger, Rhyddian Knight, who has created weekly events such as conservation volunteering, family-orientated experiential education events and heritage crafts in the forest; school visits and meet ups for locals.”

The annual celebration of community ownership, organised by Community Land Scotland and the Scottish Government, has been extended to a fortnight this year rather than the usual week-long event. Many of the community projects were set up with financial help from the Scottish Land Fund.