19th Argyll Scouts manage to save their equipment

The 19th Argyll Scout Group in Lochgilphead managed to save the vast majority of its equipment after the community rallied round to dry it all it out after the floods of October 7.

The equipment worth thousands of pounds – including tents, stoves, cooking equipment, maps and compasses – was soaked as water flooded the Bridgend, Kilmichael garage of group scout leader David Smart.

But David quickly put out a call for help and volunteers to save the equipment by drying it out as fast as possible.

Lochgilphead Free Church provided space and parents, leaders and scouts got to work the day after the extreme weather to make sure the equipment was not ruined.

Volunteer Stuart Oates helps with the clean up.

“We had all our gear in my garage,” said David.

“On Saturday it was just carnage, but on Sunday we started the clean up.

“People got their bahookies into gear. Everything is now off the floor.

“We have 30 to 40 tents so we had to get these dried.

“The Free Church gave us space.

“The only things we have lost is 10 to 12 first aid kits.

“We have everything you need to run a camp for 100 people.

“[To get] from where we were to where we are was pretty impressive.”