Glenfinnan Community Council

Glenfinnan Community Council (GCC) held its monthly meeting on Wednesday October 4 over Zoom and in the Jetty Hut.

Among the issues discussed were:

Proposals for a Lochaber National Park (LNP), with Mike Pescod (MP), Chair of the National Park Bid Group – MP discussed the application process for a possible LNP, and benefits relating to biodiversity and increased local control over aspects such as housing. Questions were asked on how LNP would affect landowners, tourist numbers, the Atlantic Rainforest Restoration Project, and the Association of Deer Management. MP added that further community engagement meetings would be occurring.

Traffic issues updates – New signs have been provided for the Slatach road and their effectiveness will be monitored over the October holidays.  It is hoped double yellow lines will be finished by October 9. Radar camera figures show peaks between 10-11am and 3-5pm, as well as around 800 vehicles per day coming to Glenfinnan and going no further.

National Trust (NTS) toilets – Chairperson Ally Entwistle (AE) has sent a letter of support from GCC. Fiona Gibson (FG) will send one from SCIO.

Glenfinnan House Hotel (GHH) – A letter from Ingrid Henderson (IH) questioned the previous minutes’ point about the hotel car park generating more traffic. IH pointed to 24 additional spaces for vehicles which might otherwise have parked on the verge, and said it was inaccurate to suggest that previously only hotel guests had driven down the Slatach road to park. AE clarified that ‘there’ had referred to the hotel car park, not the Slatach road. The hotel owner, Jane Macfarlane, has agreed she and/or a representative of ICMI will attend the next meeting.

Defibrillator –  The GHH defibrillator is in America being repaired. The loan one will
continue in use until the original is returned.

Transport summit traffic note – There were 34 incidents reported to police control
since the last summit. There were 19 abandoned vehicles causing an obstruction.

Planning – A planning application has been submitted for a shed for the Jetty Hut.

NTS Report – Emily Bryce (EB) reported 2,000-2,200 visitors a day at present, 20 per cent more than anticipated at this time of year, when there are fewer staff. Three
or four coaches are being turned away each day. Coach drivers are being abusive.

Two members of staff are now living at the NTS house in Slatach.

The pedestrian crossing is due to have electrics connected in November.

Transport summit September 29 – Kate Forbes MSP chaired. Felt to be an
encouraging event. Various problem-solving teams have been formed. The next key reporting date will be in November. It was noted that it will take time, possibly around 2 years, to see results, so next year is likely to be challenging again. The SCIO is
planning to look at how to support the well-being of the village in the interim.

Cost of fireworks – The display will be on Sunday November 5 at 7pm. Stephen Carruthers and Les Macfarlane (LM) will do the display, and Duncan Gibson will take over from LM in the future. It was agreed to suggest £5 donations for the future of the fireworks, with children free. Donation buckets to be in place from 6pm. There is likely to be food and lighting provide by StageGroup as last year, and the NTS café and toilets will be open.