‘It will happen again, often’: MSP calls for travel summit before next disaster

After last weekend’s extreme rainfall caused severe disruption and damage to the road network in Argyll and Bute, the area’s MSP has called for an emergency ‘infrastructure summit’ with the local council, community councils, and government agencies.

Jenni Minto MSP expressed her gratitude to all workers and emergency services who worked tirelessly in very challenging conditions to keep everyone safe and reopen many of the affected routes quickly.

Ms Minto, the SNP’s minister for public health, said: “Climate change means that ‘extraordinary weather conditions’ are no longer ‘extraordinary’ and are almost certain to be regular occurrences in the future. Previous care and maintenance of the roads will therefore no longer be sufficient.

“How we tackle these circumstances must be better planned.

“I am therefore calling for a joint meeting with Argyll and Bute Council, Transport Scotland and BEAR Scotland to ensure there is improved co-ordination and communication to ensure the people of Argyll and Bute and visitors have clear and consistent information regarding our transport network.

“The separation of information for trunk roads and local roads is not helpful as journeys across Argyll and Bute rely on using both.

“Therefore, a combined information system needs to be made available to provide a centralised transport information system for Argyll and Bute – this should be traveller centred not dependent on which authority manages the road.

“In addition there needs to be improved communication with travellers, there are a number of solutions already in use such as texting (ferries) and using social media which need to be explored.

“Everything must be done to ensure my constituents lives, jobs, businesses, education and health are not subjected to such disruption in the future.”

It comes as Argyll and Bute Council’s leader hailed the “beyond compare” community spirit shown in the area last weekend.

Kintyre and the Islands councillor Robin Currie said he could not remember weather like the rain which battered much of Scotland on Saturday, October 7.

He paid tribute to the council’s service providers, along with residents and businesses, for their efforts to ensure the area came through the tough time.