Thought for the Week – 19.10.23

“Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer…If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12: 12,18

We’re living in what feels like unprecedented tension, with wars and rumours of wars dominating the headlines.

That, perhaps in itself, isn’t anything new, and isn’t that a sad statement to make. But with our 24-hour news cycle it’s all too easy to be overwhelmed by it all.
So what’s the resolution to that which seemingly can’t be resolved? How do we stand in a place of peace in the midst of the noise?

I’ve been drawn to this beautiful little portion of Romans 12 frequently over the past week, reminding me that whilst everything around me seems to be unravelling, I don’t need to follow suit. I have a hope: His name is Jesus, and that hope is worth rejoicing in!

I know the Spirit of God, who offers supernatural patience in the midst of affliction, and so even in the midst of turmoil, there can be a calm, quiet confidence. And finally, and most importantly, I can choose how to live: prayerfully and peaceably, in the midst of the calm and in the midst of the storm.

This is the way of Christ, and it’s a beautiful way. Let’s walk the way together, and watch how things change as a result. It’s evident that, right now, the world desperately needs it.

Reverend Stuart Lawson, Oban Baptist Church