Drunken woman held knife to boyfriend’s throat

An argument during a drinking session ended with a man needing treatment at Campbeltown Hospital after his then-partner put a knife to his throat.

“He received a 10cm superficial cut to the left side of his neck; this was cleaned at Campbeltown Hospital, no further treatment was required,” said procurator fiscal depute Rebecca Reid.

The fiscal told the October sitting of Campbeltown Sheriff Court that Charmaine Hughes and her former partner had been drinking at an address in the town from 4pm on June 16, 2021. At around 8pm they had argued and Hughes left, only to return again at 11.45pm.

“He formed the opinion that she had consumed too much alcohol. He removed the drink from her; some splashed on a wall and she became irate,” the fiscal said.

Hughes went into the kitchen, and returned with a knife; the man was sitting on the couch at the time.

“The accused put the knife against his neck, causing a cut,” said the fiscal.

Hughes, aged 36, now of 6 Griffins Close, Newborough, Peterborough, admitted assaulting her then-partner by brandishing a knife and placing it against his neck to his injury.

Reports on Hughes were presented to the court.

“Both parties have decided to live apart,” said Stephen MacSporran, defence agent for Hughes.

“She suffers from learning difficulties and a personality disorder. There was drink involved and the relationship had issues.”

Mr MacSporran referred to the social work report and said: “She is not a danger. Clearly, she is someone who would benefit from structure and supervision.”

Sheriff Euan Cameron placed Hughes on a community payback order for two years, which includes supervision, and she must carry out 300 hours of unpaid work in a satisfactory manner.

Adding that discounts are usually given for a guilty plea, the sheriff pointed out that this had been a very serious offence: “Your discount is that you are not going to prison.”