Kimelford bridge shut

Kimelford bridge is shut due to safety concerns.

The road either side is closed, blocking access over the structure.

Argyll and Bute Council has just put an alert out on social media saying: “Kilmelford Bridge has had to be closed for urgent repairs. Please avoid travel to the area if you can. Workers are on site to assess how repairs can be made as soon as possible.”

A further update is expected later.

Matthew Anderson, who runs Melfort House, told us he crossed the bridge to get to Oban at 2pm today but it was shut when he returned.

“I’ve been told they could see the tarmac from under the bridge,” he said. “Effectively, everywhere between here and Ardfern is cut off, although there is a hill road going up to Dalavich but it’s a very long way round.

“We are trying to find out what happens next and how long it could be shut for,” he said.

Earlier this week the council put weight restrictions on  Kilninver bridge after an inspection exposed damage from the dreadful deluge earlier this month.

Today, a council update online said: “This urgent work is progressing well and will continue today and tomorrow.”