Launch of new lifeboat helps station look to the future

Campbeltown Lifeboat Station is looking to the future after the official naming of its new D-class lifeboat.

Representatives from the RNLI and the local community gathered at the town’s lifeboat station last Saturday to celebrate the new inshore lifeboat D-870 Leonard Mills which has already responded to 12 call-outs.

The vessel arrived at Campbeltown RNLI Lifeboat Station on Thursday October 17, 2022, but last weekend saw the boat officially named in Campbeltown.

The naming ceremony was followed by a service of dedication, which was opened by George Bradley, lifeboat operations manager at Campbeltown RNLI Lifeboat Station.

The ceremony was followed by speeches by: Marjorie Leighton, chairperson of Campbeltown Lifeboat Station’s fundraising branch, representing the donor; Chris Smith, chairperson of the RNLI Scottish Council; Reverend Chris Holden, Fishermen’s Mission port officer for Kintyre, Oban and the Islands; and retired Campbeltown Lifeboat Station coxswain David Cox.

George Bradley, lifeboat operations manager, and Marjorie Leighton, chairperson of the fundraising branch, with the new D-class vessel. Photograph: Kenny Craig.

D-870 Leonard Mills was funded by Dorothy Mills, who left her estate to the RNLI. The inshore lifeboat is named in memory of her late husband, Leonard (Len).

Mrs Mills actually left enough to the RNLI to fund the building of two D-class lifeboats.

The second lifeboat, D-811 Dorothy Mills, will be named at the Inshore Lifeboat Centre, based in East Cowes on the Isle of Wight, later this month.

The vessel was named in memory of donor Dorothy Mills’ late husband, Leonard. Photograph: Kenny Craig.

The D-class inshore lifeboat has been the workhorse of the RNLI for more than 50 years.

The Leonard Mills vessel will help the lifeboat crew at Campbeltown RNLI to save more lives at sea, with the ability to operate closer to the shore and in confined locations, such as close to cliffs and among rocks. She is also highly manoeuvrable.

Speaking last Saturday, D-class helm Carla Jackson said: “Today is a special day for all of us here in Campbeltown as we celebrate our brand new inshore lifeboat, Leonard Mills.

“This new lifeboat will allow us to continue to save lives at sea, and has already been launched 12 times.”

The new inshore lifeboat D-870 Leonard Mills has already responded to 12 call-outs. Photograph: Kenny Craig.

Carla added: “Ahead of the RNLI’s 200th anniversary next year, we’re delighted to receive this lifeboat to propel us forward into the future and service the local community.

“The RNLI is funded entirely by generous donations from the public, and we couldn’t continue our vital work without generous donators like this one.

“We’re incredibly grateful to Mrs Dorothy Mills for leaving this incredibly generous donation to the RNLI to fund our inshore lifeboat, named after her husband, Leonard.

“We’re honoured to have Leonard Mills here with us in Campbeltown to help us save lives at sea.”