Businesses invited to help deliver Arran Island Plan

A workshop aiming to help businesses on Arran drive positively into 2024 is being held next week.

Business owners, representatives and anyone with an interest in the island’s economy is invited to attend the Arran Island Plan economy and business workshop in Brodick Hall.

The event will take place on Wednesday October 25, from 2pm to 6.30pm, and will include representatives from North Ayrshire Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, as well as a professional facilitator.

Alastair Dobson, managing director of Taste of Arran and Arran Dairies, said: “This is an invitation for you to come and help shape practical initiatives to help your business thrive and prosper. Arran has a fantastic economic ecosystem and it has been challenge like never before over the last number of years. Let us see if we can collectively fight back and get Arran back on the front foot as a great place to visit, live and work, whilst continuing to positively challenge government and others to deliver the infrastructure we require and deserve.

“The plan is moving into the delivery phase and as Arran businesses it is up to us to help shape practical initiatives that will support us to flourish and succeed – something we can all get behind and campaign for. We want to stay positive and put ourselves on the front foot for 2024 regardless of what happens with the ferries. There will be an update on the ferries and housing as part of the workshop.

“I hope you will join us to have your say and help develop the Arran Island plan and make it fit for purpose for all of us.”

Key issues being discussed will include retaining and attracting new workers and appropriate housing for them, skills development, seasonality and general island resilience, however, those attending may have other more pressing concerns which they will be free to discuss.

After the formal event at 5.30pm, attendees can enjoy a buffet and a chat with various representatives who will be happy to support them with their ambitions and issues, be it advice, funding or signposting to the most appropriate support.

For more information and to book, email Chrissy at or book a place online at


Alastair Dobson is hoping for a good turnout of businesses. 01_B08daries02