Returned to jail and four months more

A woman who breached the conditions of her bail order has been returned to prison and handed another sentence.

Alice Smith, aged 31, of Longrow, Campbeltown, pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by shouting and swearing at an address on Albyn Avenue, Campbeltown, on August 12 this year.

On August 21, she was given bail with a condition that she did not enter or seek to enter Albyn Avenue; she admitted that on August 23 she breached her bail conditions and went to Albyn Avenue and also that she behaved in a threatening or abusive manner at a property there by shouting, swearing, acting in an aggressive manner, banging on the door and bin and uttering remarks and threats of violence.

When she appeared before the October sitting of Campbeltown Sheriff Court, Sheriff Euan Cameron returned her to prison for 75 days for the unexpired portion of a previous sentence and gave her a four-month sentence to run consecutively.