Former restaurant gets green light for flat conversion

Plans to convert a former restaurant in Campbeltown into accommodation have been given the go-ahead by council officers.

Sam Martin’s proposals for the first floor premises at 45 Main Street, which was most recently used as an Indian restaurant, were approved by Argyll and Bute Council after no objections were received from the public.

The plans also include refurbishment of the windows and an external ground floor entrance, including the addition of a gate.

A council planning officer said in a handling report: “Of particular relevance, policy relates to ‘town centre living’ and sets out support for the conversion or re-use of vacant upper floors of properties within town centres for residential.

“The application form sets out that the site was used as a restaurant up to seven years ago and has since remained vacant. No substantive evidence is available to challenge this statement and it is noted the site is currently vacant.

“Drawing the above together, it is considered the principle of the change of use proposed is acceptable in principle.

“The site is located within Campbeltown Conservation Area and within the setting of a number of nearby listed buildings. The proposed refurbishment to the windows and external door are minor and sympathetic and would preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area.

“Similarly, the external access gate, finished to match the external door, and apartment number sign raise no concerns in respect of the conservation area.”

The officer added: “It is considered the proposal would provide a suitable living environment for future residents and would not harm the amenity of neighbouring occupants nor introduce an incompatible use in this town centre location.”