New lease of life for former bank building

Campbeltown’s former TSB bank is set to reopen as an internet sales hub after council chiefs gave it planning permission.

The premises at 15 Bolgam Street were the subject of an application by J&A Mitchell and Co, which co-operates Springbank and Glengyle Distilleries in the town.

Argyll and Bute Council planning officers have now given the go-ahead for the proposed development after no representations were received from the public.

The bank closed in February 2021.

A planning officer said in a handling report: “The application site is located inside the corner of the junction of Bolgam Street and Union Street and comprises a single storey former bank building which is of simple gable ended form; finished in render and a natural slate roof, and a modern access ramp to the front elevation.

“The premises has an existing vehicular access through a gated pend between the former bank and 11 Bolgam Street.

“To the north of the building there is an open gravelled area that wraps around the corner into Union Street which is bounded by a low masonry wall.

“The internal space will be used for office accommodation, secure storage, and a sales processing space. Consequently, this element of the proposal does not fall to be assessed here.

“The proposal includes the closure of an existing vehicular access serving the site from Bolgam Street that provides access to the rear of the premises by the installation of a two metre high palisade fence in black which will be recessed slightly from the building frontage.

“The proposal is considered to be consistent with the relevant provisions of the Development Plan and National Planning Framework 4 and there are no other material considerations of sufficient significance to indicate that it would be appropriate to withhold planning permission.”