Second in Silver Pendant for Lynn

Portnahaven’s Lynn NicDhòmhnaill was delighted to achieve second place in the Gaelic learners’ equivalent of the Gold medal, the silver pendant.

“My parents were both Gaelic speakers,” Lynn said, as she learns her mother’s and father’s tongue. “There were not the opportunities then as there are now.”

Lynn has published a book ‘Òrain Ìleach: Gaelic song of Islay’, edited by her Gaelic tutor Margaret MacIver, to whom she is “very grateful”.

“I would not learn a song inside out if it were not for the Mòd,” she added, explaining it can take “many months to try to get the song into your system”.

The Silver Pendant itself was won by Theresa Irving of Barra, who sings with Barra Gaelic Choir and was competing as a soloist at the Mòd for the first time.

Theresa came first in the Ladies’ qualifiers, held earlier in the day at Paisley’s Methodist Church, where competitors sang ‘Fhir an leadain thlàith’ (‘Lad of beautiful hair’), and a song of their choice reflecting the theme ‘Na Fuadaichean’ (‘The Clearances’).

The Gaelic judge, Rachel McPherson, said: “Well done to all of you. The first song, the prescribed song, you got your tongues around that no problem. The Gaelic overall was excellent.”

Ute MacGregor from Munlochy finished third.