Corran Action Group request to meet Deputy First Minister

The Corran Action Group (CAG) has requested a meeting with Deputy First Minister Shona Robison during her visit to the Rural and Islands Parliament in Fort William next month.

Ms Robison is due to be in Fort William on November 3, and the group sees this is an opportunity to discuss the ongoing Corran ferry crisis, which has seen a year of mechanical failures frequently leave the area without a vehicle crossing and many businesses suffering large financial hits.

Formed by six community councils critical of the Highland Council’s handling of the crisis, CAG is pushing for a new diesel ferry to be ordered immediately, rather than the council seeking funding for the construction of an electric vessel.

It states that a diesel boat could arrive within a year, while it would take at least four years for the electric alternative.

CAG has also been surveying residents on whether they would prefer a fixed or ferry crossing at the Corran Narrows as a long-term solution.

Speaking of the need to meet the Deputy First Minister, Rosie Curtis, outgoing chairperson of West Ardnamurchan Community Council, said: “Our communities are dying – this situation has a knock-on effect which is likely to be felt for years, and cannot be resolved until a new ferry is obtained.

“Highland Council have repeatedly shown themselves to be incompetent; we need outside help to resolve the situation urgently, which we hope that Scottish Government will recognise.”