Fyne Acting Company plans new production after Whisky Galore success

The first production of the new Fyne Acting Company at Whitehouse Village Hall – an all-female performance of an adaptation of Whisky Galore – was a resounding success, with full houses over all three performances.

The new drama group, based in Tarbert, Whitehouse and Clachan, now plans to meet on November 7 to start preparations for its next production.

“Despite continuing health problems, the all-female cast and production team soldiered on displaying the Dunkirk spirit of the era they were depicting in the play,” said director Vivienne Dobbie.

“The audience was full of praise for the numerous costume and scenery changes and the cardboard boats, manned by the excise men and the ‘polis’,  brought shrieks of laughter, when salty water sprayed faces giving a taste of the journey ‘across the Coolish’.

“Acting abilities were high on the list of compliments, with many asking, ‘When’s the next one?’ on their way out.

“Watch this space.”

Potential new members are encouraged to the contact the group via Facebook to get involved.

The Fyne Acting Company was formed in November 2022 by Sonia Walker, who taught the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art curriculum to students in England for 14 years.

Their first production was Philip Goulding’s adaptation of Whisky Galore, the famous Compton Mackenzie story. The adaptation plays tribute to groups of actors who, after World War II, toured the country in small vehicles, determined to keep theatre alive.