Rural ladies try origami

Members of Clachan SWI met in the village church recently for a fun night of origami.

Sue Thomas led the ladies through marking and folding squares of light card to make a small gift box with lid.

“We had several attempts with the lighter card before using thicker, pretty card that Sue had provided,” said group member Pauline Simon. “She then showed us how to make an origami butterfly to perch on the box.

“Sue was thanked for all her preparation and for being such a good teacher. We all managed to make boxes with a chocolate inside and butterflies.”

Sue judged the competitions as follows: Best box made on the night: 1 Zoe Weir; 2 Margit Wyllie; 3 Liz Ball. A gift card designed by members: 1 Liz Ball; 2 Zoe Weir; 3 Katarina Smith.

Tea was served and the raffle was drawn.