Lochaber Times Leader: October 26, 2023

The news that the MV Corran’s return has been delayed again is another kick in the teeth for all those who have been affected by its absence. Yet the short-term setback should not mean the bigger and arguably more salient question of ‘what comes next?’ disappears when the boat eventually arrives.

There are, and have been, arguments for and against the main options of a new diesel boat, an electric vessel, and a fixed link. Various players have aired voices, including  Highland Council, community councils, and the relatively new Corran Action Group. The last of these is seeking a meeting with Deputy First Minister Shona Robison next month because it does not have confidence in the council. The potential for schisms is real. They will be deeper if the MV Corran breaks down again and nothing has been prepared or decided.

Highland Council, which operates the ferry, must know the return of the aging vessel is not the answer. The people of Lochaber have waited over a year for this boat; they won’t want to wait a year, or years, more.