MSP urges residents to shape delivery of winter payment

Jenni Minto, MSP for Argyll and Bute, is urging her constituents to take part in the Scottish Government’s consultation on the introduction of the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment.

From winter 2024, the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment, which will be an annual payment, will replace the UK Government’s Winter Fuel Payment in Scotland.

The Scottish Government is consulting people across Argyll and Bute to understand who should be eligible for this payment, when and how it should be delivered, and what measures can be put in place to support those living off the gas grid.

The consultation closes on January 15, 2024.

Ms Minto is urging constituents to complete the consultation to ensure the payment is as effective as possible in helping pensioners with their winter heating costs.

“The new Pension Age Winter Heating Payment delivered by the SNP government will help over a million pensioners in Scotland with their heating costs, including thousands in Argyll and Bute,” she said.

“The SNP government is committed to helping the most vulnerable through the difficult winter period – but it is vital people make their views known of how this payment can best be delivered.

“Since setting up a devolved social security system with compassion, fairness, and respect at its core – 13 benefits, of which seven are unique to Scotland, have been established.

“Social Security Scotland is set to deliver £5.3 billion in devolved benefits in 2023-24 alone, supporting over 1.2 million people as the SNP continues to deliver every day for the people of Scotland.”