Plockton news

Plockton and District Community Council met in Plockton Hall on October 9 for the last meeting of this council. Among the items discussed were:

Treasurers Report – No report as the Royal Bank failed to send statements and offered £150 in compensation instead.

Nine dead roedeer – A postmortem was carried out on one of them on October 9, but the results are still awaited.

Potholes – They were again highlighted and residents urged to contact Highland Council on 01349 886601.

Housing – James Swinnerton from Lochalsh, Skye Housing Association was present and gave an update on the two developments at Plockton.

A pre application was submitted in January 2023 to Highland Council regarding the development on the shinty pitch but no reply has been received.

The janitor’s house which has been empty for years is progressing with a submission for pre-construction services, planning and warrant under way, and it was expected to be costed by January/February 2024.

Planning – Highland Coast Hotels, owners of Plockton Inn have submitted an application for staff accommodation for up to 10 staff at the rear of the inn.

The meeting expressed some concerns on several aspects of the plans.

The meeting also agree to give their full backing to an appeal for a modest extension to a family house in Plockton which had previously been turned down.

Plockton Primary School – Plockton Primary School Parent Council had been informed that the school canteen and gym area was unfit for use.

Repairs have been done and it is proposed to move the Primary School to the High School with the money used there to accommodate them.

The CC agreed to back the parent council in their efforts to have the pupils remain in the Primary School and relocated ASAP.

Coral Beach Parking – The meeting felt that there is an urgent need for better infrastructure there, with major improvements to the access road, toilets and facilities for waste disposal from camper vans.

Next Meeting – The next meeting is on November 13 when the new Community Council will be inaugurated with seven members agreeing to continue and Alex Fergusson standing down.


Recent deaths in the community are: Bill (Ginger) Gordon (Dornie); Alison Macrae (Dornie); Sobel Beattie (Portree, formerly of Badicaul).

Sympathy is expressed to sorrowing relatives.