Come On In-Here We Are receives lottery funding for vital service

Come On In – Here We Are, based in Cairndow, has been awarded £6,757 from the National Lottery’s Awards for All Community Fund to continue its vital service for the next six months.

The service, which began in October 2022 as a six-month pilot project, was initially funded by the Awards for All Community Fund, followed by a further six months funding by Third Sector Interface.

A spokesperson said: “We have been successful in securing funding to continue this much-needed service. ‘Come On In’ began as a ‘sit in’ service where volunteers kept  lonely or isolated people in our rural community company. It also gave full-time family carers a much-needed break, as severe shortages in the care system were leaving families struggling. Our volunteers make a massive difference to someone’s daily life.

“Whilst doing this we asked the elderly what other ways we could help to make their lives easier. They came up with various ideas. Being rural, transport was an issue.

“Our volunteers began taking people to appointments, to visit family, shopping or to attend events. This service has mushroomed.

“The funding we have secured from Awards For All will enable us to continue this service, as well as our ‘sit in’ service as we have seen how much this has helped mainly elderly people. They do not have to worry about getting a lift to an appointment or getting their prescription picked up. It has given them some freedom from their house to go out to the local shop or visit a friend.  This has helped to make them feel better, to have interaction with someone, to know someone will be there.

“The service is free to people in Cairndow and Strachur.

“The feedback we have had from the people we have helped has been extremely positive. We are making a difference to families.”

A recipient of the service said: “The service and assistance provided by Come On In is second to none and I cannot praise them enough for everything they do.

“Volunteers are all local so are known to those they are visiting and assisting. In Cairndow, Strachur and surrounding villages and communities, the support from this service and their volunteers is vital in helping to bridge and fill what is unfortunately a much-lacking provision of care for those who need it so much in rural areas.”

The spokesperson continued: “Our volunteers also tell us of the great benefit this has made to themselves. They feel they are needed. They are making a difference and that makes them feel good about themselves.”

The volunteer said: “To sum it up, volunteering is rewarding, probably more than you realise. For the volunteer you meet new people, make connections and for a relative newcomer to the area like me, you find out you and the person/people you meet have mutual friends and acquaintances.

“It is good to give up your time for someone else and you, in turn, know that should you need it, they would be there for you. As well as giving something to that individual, you also feel you are helping the community.”

Here We Are also runs monthly afternoon teas, giving elderly community members a chance to chat, meet others and reminisce. Some anxious to come are encouraged and transport is arranged for those unable to drive. This is making a visible difference to their mental health and wellbeing. You can see the difference in people when they arrive and when they leave after being in a social environment.

The spokesperson continued: “We are also working with the local Hub in Strachur. They are visiting us for monthly morning tea/coffee which gives their members another social day out and time to visit the garden centre and shops. This gives them a fulfilling and enjoyable time out. We hire the Strachur Hub mini bus to bring residents to the teas.

“We give a huge ‘thank you’ to all our volunteers for their help. Without them, this service would not be possible.

“If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like us to help with something, please email or or call 07375 233416 Monday to Friday 9am-3pm. We look forward to hearing from you.”