Councils could access emergency funding after severe weather

Council chiefs in Argyll and Bute could access emergency funding for local authorities following the severe weather at the start of October.

A post on the council’s website has said that the Bellwin Scheme, a UK Government fund but administered by the Scottish Government for Scottish councils, has been activated.

Council officers have welcomed news of the emergency funding but also highlighted the “significant additional costs” of the weather of October 6 and 7 to the area.

A spokesperson for Argyll and Bute Council said: “We are achieving progress in clearing debris, addressing damage and re-opening many roads that had been closed.

“The weather that Argyll and Bute faced was entirely unprecedented. Its impact means that some routes need more considerable remedial action.

“We continue to dedicate effort to getting them re-opened when safe to do so, bringing in specialists where required. Our priority is on finding and delivering solutions that ensure the safety of our communities and our employees.

“Where other services are affected, we are making alternative arrangements where possible.

“At the same time, we are working to deliver ‘business as usual’ services and ensure Argyll and Bute moves on as quickly as possible.”

The spokesperson added: “The extensive work required to address impact to our roads network and other services is obviously causing significant additional costs.

“Therefore as well as the frontline response, officers are also engaging with the Scottish and UK Governments.

“The Bellwin scheme, for local authorities facing emergency situations, has now been activated and we welcome this given the considerable costs involved in a situation of this scale.

“The leader of the council (Kintyre and the Islands Liberal Democrat Councillor Robin Currie) and the chief executive (Pippa Milne) have spoken directly with the Scottish Government’s Transport Minister as well as highlighting the situation to the UK Government.

“We will continue this engagement at both political and officer level as a priority.”



Council officers have welcomed news of the emergency funding but also highlighted the “significant additional costs” of the weather of October 6 and 7 to the area.