Honours even in bruising six goal away draw

Stewarton Garnock IIs   3

Arran Ladies                               3

Women’s West District 4th Division

Arran Ladies’ second match of the season saw the players travelling to Garnock Academy in Ayrshire last Saturday to play against Stewarton Garnock IIs.

In defence were Helen Thomson; Lee Reid; Marie Craig; Dawn Lyle; Pauline Reid and goalkeeper Suzi Haddow. Midfield players were captain Lynda Fenton; Susie Murchie; Mia Walker and Kaitlyn Haddow. Attacking forwards were team coach Lorraine Hewie; Delyth (Del) Mair Jones; Jenna Cook and Anne Watts.

Arran played a strong forward game from the starting whistle, taking their first shot on goal within two minutes. They kept up the pressure until Lorraine, Del and Jenna broke through the Stewarton Garnock defenders with superb, accurate passing which saw Lorraine driving Arran’s first goal home before the quarter end.

The second quarter saw Arran continue on the attack and although Kaitlyn had the ball in the net from a penalty short corner, it was disallowed as the ball had not gone fully out of the ‘D’. The team was undeterred and continued to play a strong forward game.

Collecting the ball in midfield, Del ran into the ‘D’ and passed to Lorraine who was on her wing. But Del received a late tackle from the goalkeeper which took her off her feet. The goalkeeper was carded for dangerous play and sent off on a yellow card five minute penalty.

The umpire stopped the clock and checked on Del who, although shaken by the tackle, played on.

Arran were awarded a penalty flick – a one shot strike at goal between striker and keeper – for the foul and experienced player Anne Watts took her position in front of the goal and rocketed the ball past the defensive player who had replaced the dismissed goalkeeper.

The home team got their first goal from a well-executed short corner just before the half-time whistle, making the score 2-1 to Arran.

Coming back on for the second half, Arran met a much stronger midfield formation from the home team, which continuously blocked Arran’s attempts to drive the ball forward.

Lynda, Susie, Mia, Kaitlyn and Lee chased down every free ball as they fought back. The girls got a freat pass to Del who broke through the home defence once again. She charged into the ‘D’ and struck the ball into the back of the net.

The Stewarton Garnock ladies increased the pressure after this and drove the ball towards the Arran defence. Darting from side to side in the ‘D’, Pauline Reid, as sweeper, cleared the ball out of danger. And Helen Thomson used her powerful strike to deny the home team attempts whenever the ball came her way.

Another penalty short corner saw the attackers attempting to score, but Suzi Haddow repelled several strikes. The home team collected these and charged back in. Showing some excellent passing in the ‘D’, they scored their second goal.

From the re-set, Arran played hard and stayed solid in their determination to hold onto the ball and drive it forward. Jenna Cook had to stop her impressive run towards the Stewarton Garnock goal, having shaken off heavy tackles, to return to ball to the fouled tackle spot.

Pauline was sent off on a green card two minute penalty for letting her disappointment be known.

Giving the home defence time to re-group, they turned over Arran’s challenge and sent the ball back down the pitch. Dawn Lyle and Marie Craig had plenty opportunity to use their skills to channel the attacking forwards away from the ‘D’ and return the ball to midfield.

In the final quarter, the home team repeated well-practiced forward passing and bagged the equaliser. The score remained 3-3 at the final whistle and then with hand shakes all round, Arran joined their hosts for after match teas and a social in their nearby bowling club clubhouse.

Del received Player of the Match from the Stewarton Garnock team for her outstanding play on the pitch and Suzi Haddow was voted Dame of the Game by her team mates for her superb performance in goal.

The next fixture for Arran Ladies is against Stepps II in Glasgow on Saturday October 28. Supporters welcome.


Arran players defend a penalty short corner. No_B43hockey01_23_penalty_short_corner

Arran’s Del Mair Jones blasts the ball towards goal. No_B43hockey02_23_Del_goal

Jenna Cook outpaces the opposition. No_B43hockey03_23_Jenna_Cook

Helen Thomson whacks the balls back into the opposition’s side. No_B43hockey04_23_Helen_Thomson

Anne Watts takes full advantage of a penalty flick to score for Arran. No_B43hockey05_23_Anne_Watts

Arran’s team coach Lorraine Hewie waits for the signal to take a penalty short corner. No_B43hockey06_23_Lorraine_Hewie

Suzi Haddow was voted Dame of the Game for an excellent shift in goal. No_B43hockey07_23_Suzi_Haddow