Kilmichael Glen residents seek answers on floods

Kilmichael Glen residents are hoping that a community meeting with Argyll and Bute MSP Jenni Minto may answer questions about the “devastation” of the floods that swept through the area during the extreme weather of October 7 and 8.

The extent of the damage in the River Add area has left Kilmichael Glen residents concerned about their ability to obtain property insurance in the future and about any repeat of what they describe as a sudden and severe torrent of water.

The residents say they have questions as to whether a local dam may have been breached in any way.

“We had no warning,” said Kilmichael Glen resident Alphedia Arara Kenchington.

“We are just lucky that everyone got into their houses – or were able to get out. It was not a normal flood.

“We were lucky we saved our house but we were so, so close. We do feel like the forgotten people of the floods. Something seriously went wrong.”

The community meeting with MSP Jenni Minto was scheduled to take place in Lochgilphead Community Education Centre at 10am on Friday October 27.

Mid Argyll councillor Jan Brown said farmers in the Kilmichael Glen area had lost livestock in the floods.

She said she had been shocked at the “trail of destruction left behind”.

Ms Kenchington said Councillor Brown had been a great help to the community.

She added: “It is good too that Jenni has responded so quickly. She is going to be accessible and willing to listen to what help we are needing.

“We want her to ask the questions; we are going to ask Jenni to lobby on our behalf and we want her to represent us. People are hoping to find out what happened. “