Tarbert mum’s battle to get back into the saddle leads to equestrian Quest

A mother of two from Tarbert is heading to Lincolnshire next week where she will compete in the Quest UK Novice Dressage Championship title.

Caeleigh and Hadley in action.

Caeleigh Kean and her beloved pony Hadley qualified for the championships after notching up a plethora of places in previous rounds this year.

What makes the achievement even more remarkable is that the 33-year-old broke her back while show jumping in 2021 and lost her nerve for the sport she enjoys so much.

Having grown up in Clachan, Caeleigh began her equestrian journey at Lunga Riding stables in Ardfern at the age of 12.

After moving to Edinburgh to study at university, she bought her first pony Sammy at the age of 22 and purchased her current mount Hadley as a three-year-old after moving back to Argyll and Bute in 2016.

Up until recently Caeleigh worked at a local fish farm as an assisting manager but needed to take some time away to focus on her mental health.

She has two children, Johnathon, 5, who has stage two spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, and four-year-old Haileigh.

Following her accident, Caeleigh decided to go down the route of dressage. Initially at prelim level and in January of this year was talked into joining EquiTeams Quest Teams.

After being placed in every single competition, and with scores of above 70 per cent, she was then advised to go up to Novice level and compete in My Quest – in which she is still being placed within the top three every single time.

Coming third in Scotland in the My Quest Novice Class allowed her the opportunity to compete at Arena UK in Lincolnshire on November 3.

“We do not have an arena to practise in and are restricted to where we can hack because of roads etc so even getting the opportunity to ride in an Area event at the start of the year was incredible – never mind getting placed in every competition,” she said.

Caeleigh is getting her confidence back thanks to EquiTeams Confidence Camps.

Since her accident Caeleigh has also been attending EquiTeams Confidence Camps in Fife and has gone from jumping 20cm cross poles to jumping 100cm grids confidently.

“I still have a long way to go but It was such an achievement being able to jump without physically shaking,” she said.

“EquiTeam has played a major part in my riding recovery and as a member, I have excelled both mentally and physically and it has been the life saving tool I have needed to get to where I am now.

“I am deeply thankful to the EquiTeam community and my incredible friend and instructor, Liz Daniels. I couldn’t have done any of this without them all.”

A Hadley view.

Caeleigh also has a dedicated support team at home, none more so than her horse Hadley.

“Hadley has a temperament to die for – he is the most sensible and loving horse I have ever had the pleasure of owning,” she said.

Fiancé Steven is her biggest supporter and a calming influence at competitions. She said of him: “Without his support at home with our kids I wouldn’t have been able to make any of this possible.”

EquiTeam member, friend and “rock” Claire Cole has also been on hand to help Caeleigh out.

Last but by no means list Caeleigh singled out her amazing mum Lesley, who she describes as being “the silent back bone of it all”.

“Without her generosity, patience and financial support there is no way I could have afforded the travel back and forth all year round.

“She is always at the end of the phone asking how it all went and shows up to competitions not having a clue what’s going on but still claps away.

“She is always there for a shoulder to cry on if I am tired or overwhelmed and for this I need her to know just how special she is to me and without her, my dreams would never have come true.”

Featured image: Caeleigh Kean and Hadley celebrate their third place in the My Quest UK semi-finals. NO_AA43_CaeleighKean_Hadley_23_Dressage 03