Oban rugby youngsters shine at Etive Dalriada

Etive Vikings hosted the latest round of the Dalriada rugby series at Taynuilt Sports Hub on Saturday, attracting almost 100 players from Kintyre, Mid Argyll, Oban, Taynuilt, Mull and Lochaber.

Kintyre won the P4/5 competition after winning all their games, but the dynamic running and try scoring prowess of  Oban’s Sorley D’Arcy showed he was the player to look out for.

Mid Argyll also won all of their games to take the P6/7 competition title, with Ruaridh Charnock’s distribution, running and game awareness marking him out as a player to watch out for in the future.

The next Dalriada will be held this Sunday, November 5, at Glencruitten, the home of Oban Lorne RFC.