Port Charlotte to gain 16 new homes

Plans for 16 new homes on Islay have been given the go-ahead by council chiefs.

The application by MacLeod Construction, for land northeast of Daal Terrace in Port Charlotte, was awarded planning permission this week.

Only one representation was received by Argyll and Bute Council from a member of the public, who asked that vulnerable road users should be given priority over motor vehicles.

One of the authority’s planning officers responded that the revised site plan had addressed initial concerns, and roads officers had expressed no objections.

The planning officer said in a handling report: “The site will have an off-centre access with two semi-detached blocks to the south and four to the north at the roadside plots.

“Plots 1 to 6 address the main road and are two-storey three-bedroom houses. Plots 7 and 8 are to the northwest, address the rear of the front houses and are two-storey three-bedroom houses.

“The cottage type houses are to the west, one addressing the internal access road and one the rear of the front houses.

“These are four in a block single storey one-bedroom flats with stairwells at each end. The houses are of a standard modern design, similar to the neighbouring estate.

“The development has been assessed against all of the above potential constraints and designations and has been determined to raise no issues or concerns except for any specifically referred to within this summary assessment.

“Based on the above, it is considered that the location, scale, design and suggested materials of the proposed pods are acceptable and consistent with relevant policies of National Planning Framework 4 and the Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan and there are no reasonable grounds to recommend refusal.”