Town businesses offered chance to ‘thrive and transform’

Entrepreneurs and businesspeople across Argyll and Bute are taking up the chance to attend a free event designed to help them expand their business activity.

Argyll and Bute Council’s Business Gateway and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) have teamed up to host a series of ‘Thrive and Transform’ events, with dates across the patch over the autumn.

More than 100 local businesses have already taken part in Dunoon, Tobermory, Oban and Helensburgh, making the most of the opportunity to find out what support is available for their business.

Entrepreneurs, business owners and industry representatives discussing best practice at the Dunoon event.

The next ‘Thrive and Transform’ event takes place in Campbeltown on November 29.

The event will start with an informal buffet lunch, where attendees can exchange ideas, and form valuable connections with industry peers and experts.

Representatives from Business Gateway and HIE will provide insight into the different types of support each organisation can offer, including new funding and specialist advice available from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Attendees will have the chance to engage directly with these organisations through an interactive question and answer panel.

The Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service will also be at the event, to explain how it can help improve efficiency and reduce costs in manufacturing businesses of all types and sizes.

In addition, the Federation of Small Businesses, Scottish Engineering Data Lab and Built Environment-Smarter Transformation will be on hand to showcase the support they can offer.

Another ‘Thrive and Transform’ event will follow in Lochgilphead on February 7. There will also be a virtual event on January 24 for anyone unable to get to an event in person.

Booking is essential. Full details and registration are available online at and interested parties are advised to register as soon as possible.

“Local businesses are integral to Argyll and Bute’s long-term economic success,” said Councillor Liz McCabe, policy lead for islands and business development. “We know that the last couple of years have been incredibly challenging for many business owners.

“The ‘Thrive and Transform’ series is a great opportunity to network and hear from industry experts on the range of support available.

“Plenty of support can be provided virtually but these events are a great excuse to get together and meet face-to-face to share ideas and best practice.”

Morag Goodfellow, HIE area manager for Argyll and the Islands, added: “It’s crucial that we work together to support people who are identifying and pursuing business opportunities and improving productivity across Argyll and Bute.

“This is particularly important in rural locations, where entrepreneurship and productivity increase business profitability and strengthen community resilience.

“We look forward to working with Business Gateway to deliver the ‘Thrive and Transform’ programme of events and to meeting people at those events across the patch.”

‘Thrive and Transform’ is open to Argyll and Bute-based entrepreneurs, start-ups, and established businesses looking to take their ventures to the next level.