New website shines a spotlight on Oban

With a number of major international events taking place in Oban in 2024, an engaging new website showcasing the best of the Seafood Capital of Scotland and the Gateway to the Isles has been launched by the Argyll and Isles Tourism Cooperative (AITC) in partnership with Bid4Oban.

The new-look features more engaging content than ever before and improved search engine optimisation (SEO) aligned to relevant trends, insights and analytics.

Revealing the website, Cathy Craig, CEO of AITC said: “With the world looking on, as the the Royal National Mòd and the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race take place in Oban in 2024, it is essential that the destination’s digital platforms showcase the Seafood Capital of Scotland and the Gateway to the Isles to the fullest extent.

“We were delighted to work with Bid4Oban to ensure this happened by creating a new website that makes the most of the latest functionality and is full to the brim with stunning imagery and engaging content. The new-look, now much better, reflects the town’s many outstanding attributes, including its unrivalled access to the isles, amazing coastal adventures, delicious fresh seafood, iconic natural heritage, and so much more.”

Andrew Spence, chief executive of Bid4Oban added: “Thanks to the support from the Argyll and Isles Tourism Cooperative and Bid4Oban, the revamped is a fantastic asset to showcase just how incredible our destination really is. It is a great complement to our new Love Oban app – a dynamic game-changing innovation, which is using intelligent location based technology to provide visitors and locals with insider tips curated by local businesses and the town centre management team.

“In this digital day and age, to maximise economic impact and drive footfall, it is vital that truly inspirational digital content for businesses and destinations, can be easily found online and in app stores.” was designed using insights and analytics to determine how people navigate the website and what content engages with visitors. AITC are using these insights to develop rich content that will rank highly when using relevant keywords on internet search engines.

Cathy explains how this will benefit the town: “By giving us greater insight into the topics and themes that are driving bookings and footfall to Oban, we can better engage visitors and increase visitor numbers.”

“As with any good website design, the launch is just the beginning. With the input of businesses, will continue to evolve and grow. We will constantly develop content and our social channels to drive website traffic and continuously improve information available to visitors. We would encourage all Oban businesses to keep us up to date with their content.”

If you would like to provide any feedback about the website or to suggest topics for consideration, email

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