Pony club enjoys driving demonstration

Argyll South Pony Club members and friends enjoyed a treat to close their autumn holiday fortnight.

MACC Business Park provided the venue for a driving demonstration of the skills and training techniques of the equine variety on Sunday October 22.

Clydesdales Alex and Iona behaved impeccably as owners Mairi Ralston and Lee Bastow outlined the tack and training equipment for the various heavy horse tasks.

Alex towed a huge tractor tyre around the car park to show the steps in preparing a horse to be ready to pull a cart or plough.

Michael and Michelle Mayberry had a rapt audience as they explained the skills, strength and abilities both horse and driver needed to plough successfully.

Michelle and Michael Mayberry explaining the plough.

Then Lee and Michael harnessed up Iona and backed her into the Mayberry’s splendid cart – for the very first time – and demonstrated how correctly fitted harness was essential for horse safety and comfort, especially going down hills.

Erin Ralston then took the reins and Iona gave tours of the surrounding roads to all who wished to enjoy a jaunt.

Louise Ralston’s Welsh pony Nero making sure everyone has a spin.

Meanwhile, Alex the Clydesdale never put a foot wrong as he allowed total strangers with a whole variety of voices and accents to long rein him all over the car park using voice commands.

Louise Ralston’s Welsh pony Nero was a hero as he sped along the roads with all the young members enjoying a turn sitting up front along with Louise.

A club spokesperson said: “It was a brilliant day and the club really appreciated the support of all those who made the day possible, especially Lee Bastow, the Ralston family, Michael and Michelle Mayberry – and most especially Iona, Alex and Nero, who were the stars of the show, as always.”

A collection of donations on the day raised £110 for Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance.