Campbeltown club rewards season’s best bowlers

Campbeltown Bowling Club concluded the 2023 outdoor season in style by celebrating the club’s best bowlers.

President Robert Todd addressed a large turnout of members at the annual outdoor prize-giving ceremony, thanking all sponsors, the committee and club members for their work in making it another successful season.

The members tucked into an excellent meal before Vice President Robert Coffield gave the vote of thanks for the evening.

President Todd and Ladies’ President Catherine McEachran then gave the season’s reviews for the year, highlighting the winners and achievements at club, as well as in county and national competitions.

This was followed by the prize-giving, which saw this year’s winners, as follows, presented with their prizes:

Campbeltown Bowling Club’s 2023 outdoor season prize-winners

Ladies’ pairs: runners up Susan Gilchrist and Kirsteen Anderson, winners Sheena Armour and Shirley Bannatyne.

Joyce Ramsay Cup: runner up Susan Gilchrist, winner Lorraine Brodie.

Fisherman’s Trophy: runner up Shirley Bannatyne, winner Shona Anderson.

Past Presidents Cup: runner up Jean Miller, winner Shirley Bannatyne.

Presidents Cup: runner up Susan Gilchrist, winner Shirley Bannatyne.

Ladies’ championship: runner up Jessie Andrew, winner Shirley Bannatyne.

Saturday morning league: Neil Maguire.

Wednesday night rinks: Robert Todd.

Mixed pairs: runners up Donald Martin and Robert Todd, winners Craig Anderson and Johnnie McLean.

Gents’ pairs: runners up Alan McSporran and Bobby Dalziel, winners Angus Brodie senior and Robert Todd.

Novice Cup: runner up Simon Rochford, winner Angus Brodie senior.

Two Bowl Cup: runner up George Reid, winner Gavin McLachlan.

Blue Trophy: runner up Robert Todd, winner David Brown.

Senior championship: runner up George Reid, winner Jimmy Anderson.

Past Presidents Cup: runner up David Brown, winner Johnnie McLean.

Centenary Cup: runner up Gary Anderson, winner Jimmy Anderson.

Hoynes Cup: runner up Johnnie McLean, winner Jimmy Anderson.

Presidents Cup: runner up Gavin McLachlan, winner Steven Dickson.

Gents’ championship: runner up Bobby Dalziel, winner Gavin McLachlan.

After the prize-giving, the evening and season were rounded off with an entertaining disco, obligingly provided by John Armour.