Findings of milestone Kintyre Way project to be revealed

The findings of a milestone project will be highlighted when the Kintyre Way holds its annual general meeting (AGM) next week.

The meeting will take place at 11.30am on Saturday November 11, at the Templars Art and Leisure Centre in Tarbert.

All members of the pubic with an interest in protecting and developing the long- distance walking route, which also serves as a vital asset for the wellbeing and future economic health of local communities, are welcome to attend.

Alan Milstead, chairperson of the Kintyre Way, said: “This is the ideal opportunity to show your support of Kintyre’s long-distance route and a fantastic opportunity to meet Friends and Supporters of the Kintyre Way.

“You will also be able to find out more about the amazing work we do… and how you, too, can work with us.

“If all the fun chat builds up an appetite, you can also enjoy a light lunch, which will be provided for all of our guests.”

Carron Tobin, who is leading a major consultation project for the Kintyre Way and Scottish Community Tourism (SCOTO), will give invaluable feedback on its recent series of workshops and reveal the interim findings.

“This important initiative has involved thoroughly engaging and informative meetings with stakeholders right across Kintyre and beyond and culminated in nine workshops that allowed much closer engagement with local communities,” said Carron.

“Its primary aim is to identify the incredibly wide range and variety of opinions on how the Kintyre Way can best improve the lives and economies in the different localities.”

There will also be discussions at the AGM centred on the recent Kintyre Way survey, which has so far attracted 130 insightful responses with readers still able to take part.

It is easy and takes just a couple of minutes – and there’s even a prize draw for all those who take part. Visit to enter.

Emails can also be sent to if anyone would like additional information about the AGM or the work of the Kintyre Way.