At Random with Martin Laing – week 44 2023

Marine master class

I am in awe of the RNLI, as some of you will know from my previous contemplations here, but my admiration was piqued to a new level by a photograph in last week’s Oban Times.

It showed a happy, diverse group of people, six of whom were from the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) at Dunstaffnage. The SAMS folk had been entertained by a talk from lifeboat stalwarts and were so impressed that they joined the Oban lifeboat team.

Brilliant. And so obvious, with hindsight. If a lifeboat station wants new recruits, where better to look than a marine institution? Great thinking and it paid off in spades with the six new faces. I hope they enjoy their time with the lifeboat. Good luck to everyone  involved.

Well remembered

Next weekend sees the annual Remembrance Day events, given significant added interest here as it marks the centenary of Oban War Memorial, created by sculptor Alexander Carrick and unveiled on November 11 1923.

It remains vitally important for me – and countless others – that we continue to recognise the sacrifice of so many in conflicts, but especially so at present given the wars in Ukraine and Israel. Many thousands have died – and many more will – unless a path to peace can be found.

Let us hope fervently, at this time of year especially, that these wars end.

Unfathomable behaviour

Like the estimable Maurice Wilkin, Letters, The Oban Times, October 26, I found myself seething with anger over the vandalism at McCaig’s Tower. I remain scandalised by such behaviour and puzzled by it.

What thoughts go through the culprits’ tiny minds that damaging such an important feature of our landscape seems like a good idea?

I fail to understand what prompts such criminal activity or what the vandals get from it. I know, however, what they should get and would suggest a prison sentence of about two years might deter these lowlife scumbags.

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